Durga Rao & Co., Chartered Accountants is a medium sized firm catering to the requirements of various Commercial and Non Commercial Entities for more than 3 decades. Established in the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What software do I need to use the website?
You dont need any specialised software to use this website. Any Operating System with a Browser This website is particularly optimized for Internet Explorer 7 with 1024 x 768 & 800 x 600 resolutions. But you shouldn't have any problems in using this website with other Operating Systems or Browsers. The Minimum Resolution required for this website is 800 x 600. Please consult your administrator/monitor manual in case you need any further help.
2. How is my my privacy is safeguarded?
Durga Rao & Co., respects your privacy. We do not store any of your information unless required. While posting coments also, users are given an option not to remeber your personal information. Please read our Terms and conditions for full details.
3. Can I Register myself in the website?
Yes. You can register yourself in this website. But the registration will give you access to all the general areas and the discussion fora.
4. I've regsitered myself, but I can't use the Client File Browser?
Client File Browser is one of the online initiatives of Durga Rao & Co., exclusively for the clients of Durga Rao & Co. The user id and password required for Client File Browser is supplied by Durga Rao & Co. itself. Please contact us for more details. The registration will give you access only to all the general areas and the discussion fora.
5. I cannot use the email feature on the website.
EMail facility is for internal use of Durga Rao & Co., and access is not available to the general public.
6. I cannot post on the Discussion Fora.
The discussion fora in this website are moderated. The administrator has to allow you to post any article. Every article must be specifically approved by the administrator for it to appear in the website.
7. My comments are not being displayed.
Once again the answer is the discussion fora are moderated. They will be shown on the website only when they are approved by the website. Also the spam filter of the website blocks some of the content based on heuritstics and also on blacklists available on the internet.